ADA Compliant

Mighty Monkey

The Mighty Monkey structure from our Tree House series can take children on an imaginary trip to the deepest parts of the jungle, without them ever having to leave the safety of their play area. Mighty Monkey’s Palm Tree Toppers provide a festive appearance, with the Parrot and Monkey Toppers adding to the illusion. But this is more than a good-looking place to play. The Mighty Monkey includes a Percussion, Ball Maze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Gear and Plinko Panel, meaning there are plenty of exciting things for children to do while they enjoy the scenery of the jungle. A pair of Stump Window Panels and a Stump Store Panel complete the foundation and theme of the structure. The store Panel is a great way for children to pretend they are the gatekeepers in a fort or, as the name suggests, that they are running a store.


This price includes material, freight, labor, and taxes!

SKU RBTH046 Category Tag

Meets National Standards for


Commercial Playground Solutions specializes in smaller commercial playground products in the middle Georgia area. We are proud to offer customers with the full turnkey price of our playgrounds. Our prices include the cost of materials, freight, and installation. We employ playground specialists and in-house installers that work with you to get your playground of choice safely and efficiently installed.

Additional information



Age Range: 6-23 months

Child Capacity: 20-26

Fall Height: 0"

Post Diameter: 5.0-inch

Product Type: Tree House

Safety Zone: 14' 8" x 30' 1"

ADA Accessibility

Elevated: 0 components

Ground Level: 10 components