ADA Compliant

Shoots and Roots

Shoots and Roots is an ideal place for children to get away from the rest of the playground and enjoy some privacy. This small shelter has three solid Stump Window Panels made from durable rotationally molded plastic. These have a highly detailed appearance which makes them look like a whimsical dwelling made from a hollowed-out tree. Each panel has a circular window to let in some light, provide a view of the rest of the playground, and reveal any sneaky children trying to hide at the end of playtime. The fourth wall is a tunnel, which is used as the entrance and exit. The structure is housed under a Club House Roof, which keeps out the elements so that the inside of Shoots and Roots will stay dry and shady year-round. This structure is perfect for shy or introverted kids who want a moment to get away from their peers and be by themselves.


This price includes material, freight, labor, and taxes!

SKU RBFS027 Category Tag

Meets National Standards for


Commercial Playground Solutions specializes in smaller commercial playground products in the middle Georgia area. We are proud to offer customers with the full turnkey price of our playgrounds. Our prices include the cost of materials, freight, and installation. We employ playground specialists and in-house installers that work with you to get your playground of choice safely and efficiently installed.

Additional information



Age Range: 6 months-5 years

Child Capacity: 8-12

Fall Height: 8"

Post Diameter: 5.0-inch

Product Type: Tree House

Safety Zone: 19' 2" x 22' 10"

ADA Accessibility

Elevated: 0 components

Ground Level: 4 components